I’m just dropping by to say I decided to tweak the decor. Things needed a little freshening up. You know, clean up the cobwebs and spray a little air freshener. I meant to do this right after returning from the long hiatus, but it got put on the back-burner for a while. I’m still not sure how often I’ll post, but I’m going to try to post weekly.
Tag: chitaznet
Definition of Insanity
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. For far too many years, I’ll (re)start a blog and plan to post regularly, only to forget about it shortly after that first post. And looking around this place, it needs some help. With that said, I’m one (re)start shy of earning a personalized straitjacket.
Continue reading “Definition of Insanity”Welcome
I bought chitaz.net because it needed to live again. Dad first bought this domain 20+ years ago, and he always had fun with it. At one point he even had a live webcam looking out of his window, just to show what the Chicago weather was, or wasn’t doing, at that moment. It was a labor of love for him and that’s why it needed to live on. I don’t know what anyone should expect from this place. Maybe this just becomes a place to bitch and moan about stuff. But, from the Taz on the side and what we named the site, it’s all Dad.
Continue reading “Welcome”